söndag 27 december 2009

Åshammar söndagen den 27/12-2009, 15 minusgrader och snorkallt!

Just nu är vi i Åshammar hos Matthias foraldrar. Vi har bott lite har och dar sen vi anlande i Sverige. Den forsta veckan tillbringade vi i Kalmar med mina foraldrar och bror med familj. Andra veckan var vi hos Matthias mamma och sen julafton hos hans pappa.

Det som forvanat mig mest med att vara i Sverige ar hur snabbt man har vant sig vid att inte ha minusgrader och sno! Jag tror jag ska frysa i hjal nar det ar 2 minus ute och tycker mest att snon ar bessvarlig. Beslutet om att flytta annu mera soderut i framtiden kanns lattare och lattare att fatta efter detta.

I dag ska vi besoka mina forldrar inne i Sandviken over en lunch. Mot eftermiddagen kanske det blir att besoka en gammal van. Far se hur tiden racker till.

Over and out!

lördag 12 december 2009


Today we've celebtrated small christmas day here in Soton. Maya was very excited abot her presents and have been playing with them ever since.

I am starting to belive that my kharma is bad or something cause yesterday my bike got stolen from our rented nikestorage that got one gate, one locked door plus my own lock plus cctv! I've reported it to the local police and called the Swedish insurance company so all has been taken care of. But still it is soooo annoying! The second bad thing that happend to me today was that I realised that my dear husband lost my visa card! Luckily I have two other cards but they are all different banks so the thing is that the card got lost was the one with lot of money on, money to pay for taxi etc. when going to Sweden in mon. Since none in my family have an english bankaccount it is gonna take ceveral days to transfer money to us. It was at last all sorted when we realised we had enough money on the other cards, but still... very annoying!

And to all you people who might think that I think that I am to cool to write in Swedish, just wanna tell you to practice your english reading skill at the same time as I am practicing my written one! Because that's the idea!


fredag 11 december 2009

A few more days to go now before flying to Sweden! I really looking forward to the holliday and the festive feeling that christmas always gives me. I've just started to pack our luggage and realised that there isn't as much room as I thought it would be?! Since we already bought all our presents and are bringing them over there is not much room left after that and Mayas winter clothes.

I guess I'm gonna have some kind of a chock entering Scandinavia cause today was the coldest day ever since we came here and yet though it was only +6 and not even windy. Adjusting fast to the climate when it is in the right direction on the scale.

Today it was the last day at uni for this year! I am so pleased with myself cause I've handed in work really early even though it wasn't due til' January! Also had a meeting with one of my lectures and he gave me feedback on my essay which was "extremely competent" and there was no error in it except from one minor spelling error on one word, I had wrote "mood" instead of "more". Otherwise it felt really good because he said he was impressed and then he said something he wasn't alloud to say. He said that I've scored highest of all the psychology students! I'm on a natural high now!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That made my day, or week, month or year!

Enough with the braging now I know... Tomorrow we are gonna celebrate some kind of mini christmas day here with Maya. We decided to do that because we don't want to bring her presents to Sweden and then drag them back again in January. I am so looking forward to see that cute little face when she open the presents! We've already told here that mummy know Santa and that he might be paying a visit tonight when everyone is at sleep to drop of some presents...maybe.
